{food swap recipe} The Simplicity of Coconut Butter

Editor’s Note: I’m happy to announce a new {community voices} guest contributor, Swapper Becky H. Since Becky’s arrival here in Upstate NY, she has become a staple in the local food movement, becoming a KFF CSA Family and Farm Stand Crew Member and also attending FSC Academy classes and food swaps. Becky has had recent serious health issues which has seriously shifted her diet to a Paleo/WAPF type diet, while also having to manage her son’s life-threatening food allergies. I asked Becky to join the group to share her ongoing food journey through recipes, tips, and insight. First up, Becky shares her popular food swap recipe, Coconut Butter! Welcome Becky. -Christina

I am on a mission to simplify my life. It is a major lifestyle change that can be a two steps forward one step back process. My mantras right now are to eat real food and make it simple. Because I’m busy, we’re all busy. But it can be done. I have a problem with a four letter word called T.I.M.E and the management thereof – it’s a work in progress. But contrary to popular belief, making things from scratch doesn’t have to take a ton of time and effort, anyone can do it!

So with that said, the goal here is to give ideas and recipes that are so stupid simple that anyone can do it (but it looks like you put a lot of work into it – am I right?!)

Let’s start with coconut butter, one of the easiest from scratch things to make. If you or someone you know is a coconut lover  this one is for you. Behold the coconut  – I can’t get over how awesome this food is. Pure coconut/coconut oil is an amazing, versatile natural food source. There are lots of resources online about the positive benefits of coconut– from it’s anti viral, anti fungal properties, immunity boosting ways, to using it cosmetically. So many many ways to use coconut.

So here we go….


  • Ingredient: Just one! Dehydrated coconut.  Make sure it is dehydrated and there is only one ingredient on the label : Coconut DO NOT use the shredded coconut with added sugar down the baking isle. You can find dehydrated coconut in most grocery stores or online. I have about a half-pound bag here:

  • Throw it in food processor and give the coconut a spin. Make sure that every 5 minutes or so turn off to scrape down the sides of your bowl.

  • After 10-15 minutes you are done.

  • It is initially a liquid  (see above) but only takes a few hours for it to set-up as a spreadable butter. If you keep your house at 76 degrees or cooler it will stay on the solid side (just like coconut oil) but anything warmer it will be that soft butter-like consistency. If its solid, either submerge the jar in warm-hot (not boiling) water or scoop a serving into a microwave-safe bowl and heat until soft (only a few seconds, if you run your microwave on high), you want it soft, not liquid.
Coconut Butter on a Rice Cake: Simple & Decadent!
  • There are many great uses for coconut butter, which range from adding to curries, your smoothies to spreading it on your morning toast.
    1. Spoon coconut butter straight from the jar and eat it. Yes, really.
    2. Blend it 50/50 with raw organic nut butter and use it as you would nut butter, or refer to #1.
    3. Spoon it over baked sweet potato or roasted winter squash
    4. Mix it into a curry or similar dish with some water in place of coconut milk
    5. Combine it with cacao powder, coconut oil and a tiny bit of honey to make a candy-treat
    6. Use a tablespoon or two in a smoothie for added thickness and some healthy fat
    7. Toss some shrimp or chicken in a spoonful of it with coconut oil and hot sauce for a buffalo-style sauce
    8. Drizzle it softened over berries in a bowl for an amazing dessert
    9. Blend up a non diary coffee creamer (with cocoa or without)
    10. Anything you’d do with either chocolate sauce or nut butter- substitute in coconut butter{List Credit: Balanced Bites}

STORAGE NOTE: This doesn’t need to be preserved as this will last as long as the shelf life of the dehydrated coconut would have lasted, which is awhile!


14 Comments Add yours

  1. Wow, that *is* simple! I think you can also find the dehydrated coconut at various Indian markets around Albany – I’ll have to see what I find next time I make a trip.

  2. piratejeni says:

    oh my word! that sounds FANTASTIC!

  3. Thanks for sharing – seems simple too.

  4. Becky H says:

    I’ve purchased dehydrated coconut at Hannaford, Four Seasons and online at amazon.com (cheaper). I would think most grocery stores would have it available.

  5. This looks the same as creamed coconut. Is that the case?

    For any UK readers, you can buy 2kg of desiccated coconut for £6.67 plus postage at GoodnessDirect.co.uk.

  6. Becky H says:

    Yes coconut butter and coconut creme are the same thing. Just one ingredient – coconut. But dessicated and dehydrated coconut are different. Here is an explanation I found online:

    Dessicated cocount is fresh coconut that is dried at temeratures of 170-180 F. This high temerature, unfortunately, renders the coconut pretty much void of all its nutrients and a great part of its flavor. What you what to purchase is DEHYDRATED coconut. Dehydrated coconut is coconut that is dried at 98.6 F. This low temperature ensures that the coconut retains its nutrients and flavor.

    Dessicated coconut is what you find down the baking isle, usually sweetened or unsweetened. I am not sure if this recipe would work with dessicated coconut as I have not tried it, but it wouldn’t have any nutrients in it. If the bag of coconut does not have the word dehydrated on it, it is probably dessicated. Also you can tell by looking at it. Dehydrated will be much smaller and grainy and not as white, almost large grain sandy.

    Hope that helps!

  7. Alicia N. says:

    I LOVE coconut! I can’t wait to give this a try!

  8. Reblogged this on Little Strawberryrose Homestead and commented:
    who knew??

  9. Braden says:

    Oh man – this would be GREAT stirred into a Mojito.

    1. Becky H says:

      That sounds yummy…I never would have thought to mix it in a drink!

  10. Robin says:

    Thanks for the great recipe. Do you know the coconut butter/water ratio to make coconut milk?

    1. Becky H says:

      Yes – it’s a 4:1 coconut butter/ hot water ratio. Enjoy!

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