{recipe} Blueberry Salsa


I have a deep love for blueberries and celebrate each year when the first berries have ripened on the bush.  Some people have a hard time resisting chocolate brownies or sweets, and I can commiserate with them.  But, for me, the real struggle is blueberries. Laugh if you must, I understand it sounds minor.  Those in my family will testify to this: I can, and do, eat an obscene amount of blueberries.  Obscene.  My husband can’t understand how I can eat so many in one sitting.  The workers at the blueberry PYO farm I go to must think that I make jam or pie or….something. But I don’t. I just eat them.

While I am happiest when eating these blue beauties by the handful, I have occasionally been known to spare a few and actually cook with them.  I found a recipe for a blueberry salsa and was intrigued by it. After tweaking the recipe a little to satisfy the tastes of my household I found a delightful alternative to the traditional tomato based salsa.   The fact that I am willing to sacrifice berries for this recipe should assure you that this is a keeper.

If you have a cup of blueberries that you are willing to part with, consider trying this recipe.  I wasn’t really sure what to expect from a Blueberry Salsa, but I assure you that it is good.


1 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 of an apple
2 tablespoons lime juice
1/3 cup cilantro leaves (about a handful)
1/2 of an avocado, chopped

Throw this all into your food processor and give it a few whirls. I pulsed it a few times until it was all combined and chopped.  Let it chop as long as you want, depending on how thick or smooth you like your salsa.  Add more salt as desired.

Now, all that is left is to grab a pile of chips ….. then dig in!

25 Comments Add yours

  1. Aoife.D says:

    Such an interesting idea. I also struggle resisting blueberries, they are just so delicious, but there are worse things to addicted to!

    1. Becky says:

      hahah! agreed. That is how I end up eating SO many. I always tell myself, “Fruit is good for you, I should eat more!” hahaha

  2. Ooh such an odd but intriguing combo…would this mixture be good on toast?

    1. Becky says:

      you know what, I am not a big toast person, so it’s hard for me to say. If you give it a try, let me know.

  3. This sounds awesome. I love the creativity…why does salsa have to be savory? Thanks for sharing!

    1. Becky says:

      thanks! it really is tasty

  4. Alicia N. says:

    Blueberry addiction is nothing to resist!

    1. Becky says:

      agreed. I love your pie picture btw. 🙂

      1. Alicia N. says:

        I love blueberries too! I have 2 bushes, but 1 died. 😦

  5. Interesting – I do like a little sweet in my salsa – may have to give this a whirl. Happy Monday:)

    1. Becky says:

      I thought it sounded strange too, but wanted to try it. Let me know what you think!!

  6. Nicolle says:

    I love blueberrie as well. Last week I picked up 2 lbs at the market…I’m the only one in the house who actually eats them. I just put them in the freezer because I didn’t want them to go bad.

    This sounds like an interesting recipe to try.

    1. Becky says:

      I have to put blueberries in the freezer just to keep my son and I from eating them all at once! hahaha

  7. Chet says:

    I could envision some diced Jalapeno pepper to give it a sweet and spicy kick.

    1. Becky says:

      ohhh.i like how you think~

  8. rachelocal says:

    Reblogged this on Rachel's Table and commented:
    Blueberries are one of my favorite things! Check out this interesting recipe for Blueberry Salsa. Maybe the addition of a jalapeno would be good?

    1. Christina says:

      Thanks Rachel for the link love!

      1. rachelocal says:

        Thanks for always having such great posts! 🙂

  9. Beth says:

    I almost always have blueberries in the fridge. They are my go-to-fruit. Thank you for sharing a great recipe.

  10. Oooh I’ve never thought to put those things together. Sounds yummy though!

    I had a great time at my first swap yesterday. Thanks for a fun afternoon!

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