{community sharecropping} July is for Garlic Harvest

Garlic is an easy crop and should have a place in every home garden.  The individual cloves are planted in October, lie dormant in the ground all winter, and then are among the first plants to sprout in the spring.  You can buy garlic heads from your local farmers market this fall, break them up into cloves, and plant them, pointy end up, about 4 inches deep, just like a small flower bulb.  We work compost into the soil before planting; garlic likes fertile soil.  We cultivate around the plants in the spring and early summer to keep the grasses and tall weeds down and snip off the bulbils that grow from the tip of the scape in early summer.  If you are into experimenting, you can grow out the bulbils in a flowerpot and eat the fresh garlic greens.

Garlic bulbils snipped from the tops of scapes

Instead of buying new garlic every year, you can use some of the garlic you grew this season to plant your crop for next year.  We set aside around 1/6 of our crop for “seed” every year.  Garlic reproduces clonally, so no actual seed is used.  If you grow the same garlic in your garden every year, and select the best heads for planting the following year, you end up with a locally vigorous variety that does well in your soil and climate conditions.  But it is best to start with garlic grown locally; California garlic may not be so happy in Northeastern weather.

We grew around 300 heads of garlic in our community-sharecropping garden this year.  We grow enough garlic to share with the people who give us gardening space, so you probably don’t need 300 heads of garlic for home use unless you drink garlic infusions before going to bed at night.  Our household generally uses a garlic bulb every 2 or 3 days, so we keep about 100 heads, set 50 aside for replanting in the fall, and then give the rest away.

There are two basic kinds of garlic, soft neck and hard neck.  Only hard neck garlic has scapes. The center of a soft neck garlic head has two sets of cloves, an outer larger set, and an inner smaller set. In hard neck garlic, that inner set of cloves is missing and instead you have the woody base of the scape.  Hard neck garlic has more uniform large cloves and a more complex and mellow flavor.  Soft neck garlic keeps longer, since it has more outer wrappers than hard neck, so we grow it for use in late winter.  It also tends to be hotter and harsher than hard neck garlic, so you can use less of it.  The garlic you buy in the supermarket that comes from California is soft neck.

a single bulb of German Red

We have grown the same variety of hard neck garlic, German Red, for more than 20 years.  Our friends Martha and Seth from Slack Hollow Farm gave us the original bulbs and we have propagated it ever since.  We have on occasion tried different garlic varieties but like German Red the best.  We are trying a new garlic this year, a kind of Silverskin garlic, given to us by our friend Helen who gardens on Cape Cod.  Helen, who is a die hard foodie, declares that this is her favorite garlic. Silverskins are soft necks, good for braiding and keeping.

By mid-July the top two sets of leaves on the garlic plants die down and we harvest our garlic.  In drier climates, you can leave it in the ground longer, until the leaves are about 90% brown, but if you do that in the Northeast, you run the risk of having the garlic rot in the ground before harvest.

garlic with the top leaves died down

To harvest garlic, we use a garden fork to loosen the soil around the plant. It is important not to pierce the garlic bulb when you do this, so we put the fork into the ground about six inches out from the base of the plant.  We pry under the plant with the fork, then pull it up by hand. If you try to pull without first loosening the soil, the neck may break off from the bulb.

harvesting and chatting

We do an initial cleaning of the heads in the garden, brushing the dirt off the roots and bulbs with our hands.  The purpose of this is not to make bright, clean, grocery-store garlic, but to ensure that the plant doesn’t have an earth ball around its roots that will keep it from curing properly.  If it has moist soil on its roots, it will keep trying to grow and may not dry down properly.  In this initial cleaning of the garlic you should be careful not to remove the wrappers, the papery outer surface of the bulb, because they protect the garlic and help it stay moist in your kitchen or root cellar all year long.  Naked garlic is desiccated garlic.  That said, removing a single wrapper to get off clots of clay is probably no big deal.

Once the garlic is harvested and cleaned lightly we take it to a friend’s garden shed where we dry it for three weeks.  If you only have a small amount of garlic from a home garden, you can tie it in to bunches of ten or so and hang it in an airy place, like a sheltered porch or garage or even in your house if you don’t mind the aromatic smell of fresh garlic for a few days before it dries down.

We stack our garlic in single layers on boards, with risers between board layers, kind of like the old cinder block and board bookcases we used in graduate school.  The risers are essential to give each layer of garlic enough room for air to circulate. If you just make a big pile of garlic without air circulation, you will end up with rotting garlic sludge.  In a really wet year, we might turn a fan or two on the garlic while it is curing, but most of the time that isn’t necessary.

Linda placing a board on top of a riser to make the next layer of the drying rack

During the process of curing, the garlic goes through some internal development. If you open a freshly harvested garlic head in mid July, it will not have fully formed internal walls between cloves, and the garlic will be greenish and juicy.  There is nothing wrong with eating it at that stage, but it has a much harsher taste than mellowed, cured garlic.

We sometimes make garlic braids out of part of our garlic.  If they are tightly braided, they make a really good edible gift since they are beautiful. I am terrible at this, my braids are sloppy, but my husband Michael plaits a mean garlic braid.  If we get around to doing this, I will write a follow up post on braiding.  Because you leave the stems on garlic braids, the garlic keeps better into the winter than garlic that you trim.  We still have usable garlic on a couple of braids we made last year.  The rest of our garlic sprouted or dried out around two months ago.

a small hard neck garlic braid

Some people think you can’t braid hard neck garlic, but they are wrong.  At around 10 to 15 days after harvest, it is dry enough to handle easily but still supple enough to braid.  We leave the scapes on our garlic, in part to minimize wounding the plant during the growing season. Many people cut the scapes off during the growing season; it probably doesn’t matter much.  The scapes provide a sort of backbone to the braid.

Garlic that is not being braided gets trimmed after it cures.  We cut the stem and roots off around three weeks after harvest, brush off any dry dirt and, if it is still dirty, remove the outer wrapper so that we won’t get mud on our cutting board when we use it.   We store our garlic in a basket in the kitchen, where the air is somewhat moist from cooking, and it lasts until around March. Soft neck garlic can last until the new crop is in if it is the right environment but it is pretty flavorless toward the end.

If I ever get around to buying a dehydrator, I will try making garlic powder, but since I am torn between wanting to experiment and wanting to get down to 100 possessions (I have something like a million possessions to go to get to that goal), I guess garlic powder will just have to wait.

Editor’s Note: Dianna & Michael have a series of gardens on their friend’s property, community sharecropping. If you are new to Dianna‘s ongoing series, please go back and read her past articles on the subject. So totally fascinating.

132 Comments Add yours

  1. Karen says:

    Your post was extremely interesting and informative. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Dianna says:

      You’re welcome.

  2. That really would make a wonderful gift. Sounds liked garlic is a lot of work, though.

    1. Dianna says:

      Garlic actually is pretty easy. It doesn’t need much except an occasional weeding during the season and has the added benefit of being off-cycle with most other crops. That means you plant it when not much is going on and harvest it when not much is going on. Drying it is not that big a deal and if you live in a drier climate, you don’t even have to bother doing that, just cure it in the ground. If we grew less garlic, I would just hang it in clumps and dry it in my kitchen. It is beautiful. And, unlike things like turnips and kale, I can eat it all winter without getting tired of it. Definitely worth the effort.

  3. banbamama says:

    Amazing, community gardening and sharecropping is the way to go for sure. I like this post. And your blog is amazing. Very proactive. Well done.

    1. Dianna says:

      Thanks! It certainly beats spending huge amounts of money to buy land you don’t really need. No taxes!

  4. We have very dry soil where I live, and I struggle with keeping anything alive in my little garden … I wonder if garlic would be a resilient crop? Or if there are varieties that can be grown in pots?

    I’m a huge garlic fan … with not a lot of promising land or soil! 😦

    1. Dianna says:

      We have grown garlic in very sandy soil and in heavy clay; all soil can be amended. If you add lots of compost or composted manure to it and grow some white clover under it in the spring, you can retain soil water. Or add a straw mulch once the garlic is up in the spring to retain water and keep down weeds. Since garlic normally overwinters, pots don’t do so well if you live in a place that freezes, although I guess you could grow it as a spring crop. If your soil is really truly terrible, make raised beds with a mix of topsoil and compost. And water it. All crops need water and if you don’t have enough rain fall, you have to provide a substitute. Good luck.

      1. Dave Lawrence says:

        Hi Dianna,

        Nice description of growing garlic in the northeast. I have very clay rich soil, so I
        just built raised beds and added a lot of composted cow manure. Supposedly,
        horse is better. My garlic did fine, though.

        Comment on the climates: garlic is originally from the Turkestan region in Asia, in areas of snowy winters, dry summers, and lousy soil. Anyone with that kind of climate
        needs to go to the Filaree Farms site, and possibly order garlic from them. Eastern
        Washington where Filaree is has dry summers, and not too much snow: net precipitation can be 10 inches a year. They irrigate a LOT!


        1. Dianna says:

          I had forgotten about Filaree Farms. They are absolutely the right place to go in Washington State or probably anywhere warmer than here. Thank you for the information.

  5. Informational.. i mean u need garlic to weaken those Vampires rite ;).. great post. thanks!

    1. Dianna says:

      No vampires for miles around here. The garlic levels in my blood keeps them away.

  6. This is a really great post! Everyone loves garlic– its nice to learn more about how it is grown and harvested. Hope to have my own garden someday and will definitely grow my own garlic!

    1. Dianna says:

      One of the things about the way we garden is you don’t actually need your own garden. Just a friend with an unloved lawn. And garlic can be added to the smallest of flower beds, so feel free to sneak some in somewhere.

      1. I live in Manhattan right now– so sneaking in places isn’t the easiest thing! 😉

        1. Dianna says:

          I don’t know: Central Park is pretty big.

  7. Great post! I’m really enjoying growing garlic and had a great crop this year. Since I’m in the South, I replanted and am crossing my fingers that the squash in its place takes hold.

    1. Dianna says:

      We can only dream of planting squash in July. I am jealous. If we were extremely ambitious we might get in some late carrots or plant spinach, but mostly we just put in a cover crop to overwinter. Northern light fades quickly in the fall even when the temperatures don’t dive. Sigh.

  8. pezcita says:

    Thanks for posting! I wanted to plant garlic this year, but it was already too late. Now I know exactly what to do for next year! I have garlic chives, but they’re not as rich and flavorful as the real stuff.

    1. Dianna says:

      Good luck with next year’s crop. That is the great thing about gardening, if you miss something this year or make a mistake, there is always next year.

  9. Abby says:

    We found a huge bunch of wild garlic growing in my flower garden (haha) and harvested them a little while ago. We didn’t really know what we were doing, but have a nice little selection for when we need some – like in the scrambled eggs this morning. Now I know better and may plant my own for next year. Thank you for this really informative post!

    1. Dianna says:

      Garlic goes nicely in flower beds, especially if you leave the scapes and bulbils on. They seem like exotic flowers from Mars. Good luck with your intentional crop next year.

  10. Lakia Gordon says:

    Excellent post! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Dianna says:

      Thank you for reading it!

  11. Becky says:

    I just dug my garlic yesterday. It is the first year for me on this crop so your information about removing moist dirt was most helpful! I have to do a little cleaning when I get home from work today, I think my garlic might still be trying to grow. Thanks so much!

    1. Dianna says:

      Mazel tov on your first garlic crop. The thing to keep in mind is that it is pretty hard to ruin garlic so minor deviations don’t matter all that much. Enjoy eating it.

  12. Ahh I LOVE garlic…wish I could have it fresh like you though–YUM!

    1. Dianna says:

      farmers market garlic is fresh in the summer. It should be every bit as good as mine and probably slightly cleaner.

  13. renée says:

    what an informative post, thank you! i am eager to plant garlic this fall. last year i was pregnant and not in the mood to do anything! i love the idea of giving garlic braids for gifts.

    1. Dianna says:

      pregnancy and garlic don’t go all that well together. Neither does nursing and garlic, if you have a finicky baby! But yes, garlic braids are our second favorite gift to give, after home made maple syrup. If you live in the Siberia-like conditions of upstate New York, you have to go with the things you can produce here.

  14. I just discovered your blog. What an informative post! I am in the process of digging my garlic bed for fall planting. Do you happen to have a chart that shows different planting/harvest times for different zone or is it fairly standard (I live in the Pacific Northwest)?

    I love your approach to community & food. I just created two posts on my new blog about community gardening – the might be of interest: http://www.communitiesknow.com

    1. Dianna says:

      I am not sure about climates where it doesn’t freeze in the winter, but otherwise it is pretty standard. My guess is that you can plant garlic as a spring crop in what would be the late winter here, much like Californians plant spring wheat in the winter. This link has some information about growing garlic in warmer climates: http://www.gourmetgarlicgardens.com/growsouth.htm. They say soft necks do better in warmer clients, so I would run with that. You could also talk to a local farmer at your market and ask when they plant, then buy some of their garlic to try. Good luck!

      1. Dianna says:

        and thanks for the link to your blog. The item on sharing yards is of particular interest to me. I will pass it on to my husband, who is a sharecropper with a vision!

        1. Dianna says:

          and see the post by Dave Lawrence above, He recommends Filagree Farms for garlic bulbs that will do well in the Pacific Northwest.

          1. Thanks for the quick advice/links about garlic in the pacific northwest/other regions! Garlic seems like such an easy crop. I can’t believe I haven’t grown it until now!

            Glad you like the communitiesknow blog.

            1. danny attia says:

              good job

  15. allaboutgoodlife says:

    This is very educational. I love what you are doing. Hopefully someday I will pursue something like yours. I also would love to have a farm like yours someday.

    1. Dianna says:

      You can. we don’t actually have one. We garden in other people’s yards. We did have 16 acres in the country, but when we sold our house, we became sharecroppers.

  16. Really informative. We’re starting to grow garlic soon, hopefully. Albeit nowhere near that much. I love the way garlic looks too when it’s bound together. Nice post!

    1. Dianna says:

      You don’t have to start big. I think we started with 20 garlic bulbs our friends gave us. you just break up a head of garlic and plant it. If you want to expand the amount of garlic you grow, save half of it for next year. If you want the same amount, save around 1/6 of it to plant for next year. It is low investment!

    2. Dianna says:

      not many people need as much garlic as we grow, unless they are selling it. But it is nice to be able to give some away to your friends.

  17. In Western Europe The Grass is Juicy says:

    Agriculture can be just amazing!

    1. Dianna says:

      Agriculture in western Europe is especially amazing. I visit friends in Germany pretty often and LOVE to see what is going on with small scale agriculture there.
      I visited your blog and loved that you posted a picture of Dr. Oetker’s vanilla pudding. I grew up with that and was very excited when it hit the US about 10 years ago. I used to bring home Dr. Oetker’s vanilla sugar every time I went to Europe, now it is in the stores here, one of the few benefits of globalization.

  18. Erika T. says:

    Thanks for sharing this info. Very soon I’m actually going to build a raised bed garden on a part of our property we don’t use and I want to fill it with garlic since it’s too late to plant much else.

    1. Dianna says:

      Invite me over, I’ll help!

      1. Dianna says:

        in fact, this could be another FSC party!

  19. anonnickus says:

    Wonderful post. A lot of good info. You actually had me at ‘garlic infusion before bed’. There are still some nay sayers on that one. Too bad.

    1. Dianna says:

      I don’t actually drink garlic infusions before bed, although I do often add cayenne to drinks. Uncooked garlic does not agree with me, except in very controlled doses.

  20. Eva Taylor says:

    Thanks for a very informative post. I am trying my hand at growing garlic for the first time this year. I chose Argentinian Garlic (did not find locally grown garlic) and my cloves are paying the price…they are small. I did not know what the bulbils were, thanks for sharing that info. I knew enough to cut them off, but next year I shall definitely sprout them!

    1. Dianna says:

      If your garlic stays small and you can’t find any at the local farmers’ market, try a seed catalog from your region. I sometimes go to Fedco Seeds for new garlic since they are in Maine, where the climate is pretty similar to upstate New York. If you live in the US, there are regional seed catalogs all over the country. I resist buying stuff from New Mexico, even though I lust over their chili peppers, because I know it will languish and die here. And garlic can change a lot from year to year, size is very dependent on water supply. So try watering it more next year if you think that might be the problem. And feed it, feed it, feed it. You can’t have too much compost.

      1. Eva Taylor says:

        Thanks. Our soil is sandy, so next year I am going to do them in pots with well composted soil. I will try to find local (Ontario, Canada) for sure for better success. Thanks for your feedback.

  21. To me, a day without garlic is unthinkable. Beautifully informative post with thoughtfully written responses to reader queries. Here in Scotland I am growing Hardneck Porcelain,. Wonderfully hardy and so strong that it has to be extra good for us. And mosquitoes don’t bite us!

    1. Dianna says:

      Old world mosquitoes must be wimpier than new world mosquitoes. We still get bitten. But I will be interested to try our Porcelain garlic, if that is in fact what it is. I still don’t know why it didn’t make scapes. Maybe we got the labels confused????

  22. midnitechef says:

    Yo’ve given light to why my garlic cloves never sprouted
    a) they were not from a local farm
    b) I didn’t plant them in October

    I might have to try again! I’m looking forward to more garden DIY 🙂

    1. Dianna says:

      maybe they were dried out too. Try again!

  23. NorCal Sal says:

    Thanks for the Garlic information! Have always wanted to try growing my own and now I will try – well next season anyway.

    1. Dianna says:

      Next season is soon for garlic. Three more months! Good luck.

  24. Eva McCane says:

    thanks for sharing! just this past weekend I had a pasta salad with fresh, locally grown garlic, and it was phenomenal.

    1. Dianna says:

      Recipe??? We always like new things to eat on this blog.

  25. Brandie says:

    Wow, 300 heads is fantastic! My parents got about 27 heads of garlic from their garden recently.

    1. Dianna says:

      Garlic, like cats, tends to multiply. A little more always seems like a good idea.

  26. Aster says:

    Great post! I dug all of our garlic out almost two weeks ago. Except for one rotten head and two heads that I nicked with the digging fork, it is hanging in our barn to cure. I cut all the scapes off as they appeared to use for cooking since there really isn’t any garlic worth having between February and July. I’ve been meaning to post about it, but I just haven’t gotten there yet.

    1. Dianna says:

      Thank you. I have tried using scapes sometimes, but have never really gotten into them, except in pesto-like dishes where they are totally pulverized. We can usually get by till March, and then it just isn’t worth eating anymore. That is why I would like to make good garlic powder someday, just to get through that garlic-desert.

      1. Aster says:

        Or really good garlic salt. Make this: http://burprecipes.blogspot.com/2010/08/herbal-salt.html

        I did this last fall with garlic, and separate herb salts one with rosemary and one with thyme (both of those using a little bit of garlic).

        1. Dianna says:

          I will definitely try this. Thank you!

  27. Thank you for this post. It brought back memories. I tried this years ago — on a much smaller scale — and it was great fun, as well as tasty! I think I’ll give it another go this fall.

    1. Dianna says:

      Great! I am happy to have inspired you to try again. Garlic is one of my favorite things to grow, next to hot peppers and eggplants. And peas! The list could keep growing.

  28. sustayn says:

    Very informative post. Garlic is a key ingredient in my cooking and I will be looking forward to planting some more later this year

    1. Dianna says:

      I use garlic in just about everything except desserts, so I am with you on that one.

  29. You had some great ideas in that post! Especially the garlic braid- I know a friend who would absolutely love it. I think she’s growing garlic this year, so I might have to pass this post along. 🙂


    1. Dianna says:

      My husband has promised me that he’ll braid this year. I’ll take pictures and post on it soon.

  30. Brilliant post – I just learned more about how to grow, cure and store garlic than in my garden books! Your German Red variety appears to be quite hardy, and worth trying. However, not sure I can find it here in France. Although, the French literally have dozens of different types of garlic. Probably the most sought – the champagne of garlic is Ail Rose. It’s a pink garlic, and slightly less acidic than other varieties. The area best known for growing it is in SW France. They even have a garlic festival – decorating parade floats with garlic! Can you imagine that smell wafting down the street? You can find out more at: http://www.ailrosedelautrec.com/en_index.php

    Thanks for a most informative posting!

    1. Dianna says:

      Thank you. We have a garlic festival near here too, in Saugerties, NewYork. They make garlic everything, including ice cream. But I bet the French do it better. I dream of going back to farmers markets in southern France sometime. And now that I think of it, I bet German red isn’t actually German. They don’t use a lot of garlic in their food.

  31. moro89 says:

    I love garlic.. In Egypt we grow plenty of them and store them for the whole year, and personally I just love to crush a couple of raw cloves everyday for a better health – They’re the best for almost every health problem, though not recommended for those with bleeding tendencies. I liked your post.

    1. Dianna says:

      Thank you. I bet Egyptians have been growing garlic longer than people in upstate New York have!

  32. Thank you for your very easy-to-follow instructions. I’ve never grown garlic, but this will certainly inspire me to do so.

  33. moro89 says:

    I’ll be ready to plant my next garlic crop – in a pot if I had to!

  34. Mark Forest says:

    I’ve always known garlic is wonderful to eat. I never knew it was so interesting to read about. Enjoyed your article. Thanks.

  35. GFanthome says:

    I remember taking a trip to California a few years ago and all of a sudden the entire landscape smelled of garlic. I was in heaven! When I ask my Cali friend about it, he said we were entering garlic country. I had no idea it smelled that strongly when it was in the ground!

    1. Dianna says:

      Gilroy! The epicenter of garlic.

  36. guitareste says:

    Ah, I’m so jealous! I want my own garlic.

  37. shanegenziuk says:

    Great work guys. I started off growing garlic last year and it really is a great thing to have in the garden. Helps protect other plants while growing, and us after eating!

  38. richkate says:

    Oooooooooooo, Makes me want to grow my own Garlic!!! Oh Man can one grow garlic in a pot? I don’t have a yard…

    1. Dianna says:

      yes, it can be grown in pots. Scroll down a couple of comments!

  39. Karen says:

    My Dad is a lover of garlic and puts it in EVERYTHING. Seriously, when you pull up in his driveway & get out of the car, you can smell the garlic coming from his house. I am going to forward this post to him. Thanks!

  40. Garlic is the best – I love with, love it, love it!

    Thanks for sharing all the info!

  41. Wonderful post — a coworker and I grew garlic in our tiny plot for the last two years, and found that the taste of our garlic was better — not more intense, just better — than supermarket supplies. I just harvested a few heads from a pot on my balcony, so it can be grown in pots! You just need to make sure it has rich soil, water, and is well-spaced. I just found your blog, and can’t wait to read more!

    1. Dianna says:

      I am glad to know someone has successfully grown it in pots. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. So all you NY city people, take note.

  42. Thanks for the fine pictures 🙂

  43. I grow garlic in between other crops to keep animals away. then I usually leave some cloves in ground. naturally to over winter and eat garlic shoots in the spring and scapes in the summer

  44. thebigbookofdating says:

    Great post (:

  45. Sony Fugaban says:

    This is an informative post for someone who’s not into garlic. I enjoyed reading it eventhough I hated the subject, agriculture, back in my high school.

    Thank you for educating me about garlic like the two basic kinds of garlic – the hard neck and the soft neck. 🙂

  46. I actually planted garlic in my garden last fall without really knowing what I would need to do with it this summer. Thanks for this highly informative post. You just save a garden full of garlic from certain demise.

  47. 2westons says:

    I am growing garlic in my garden for the very first time this year. My uncle told me to just put the garlic in the refrigerator tor “trick” it into growing during the spring, because I didn’t plan ahead and plant in the fall. It seems to be doing well… should I be conserned that the leaves aren’t brown yet?

    Thanks for the post! I am super excited to have a braid of garlic hanging in my kitchen!

    1. Dianna says:

      I wouldn’t worry about the leaves not being brown yet, just keep watching it. I imagine refrigerating it is just like refrigerating tulip bulbs to make them think they passed through a winter, it sounds like a good idea. Spring planted garlic is on a different cycle than fall planted garlic, so I am not entirely sure when it is normally harvested, but the plant will start to die back when it is ready.

  48. ennospace says:

    Wow, the garlic is great!! your post is really imformative and pictures are nice!!

  49. Friv says:

    It was great. In Vietnam we did the same. Garlic is a plant which, it is a delicious condiment!

  50. FOOD first says:

    Thoroughly enjoyable read. Worthy of this superb food, don’t know what we’d do without it!

  51. CONIEFOX says:

    Interesting! i like plant vegetable and flower.. haha~~

  52. sally says:

    The garlics of this place is bigger than mine’s,and the top is longer than mine’s.Thank you for sharing theseuseful photos.

  53. bonkasaurus says:

    Never looked at garlic this way. Super interesting post. Im italian and literally put garlic in everything so I am always buying a fresh batch. I just may try planting my own.

    -Bianca at http://theinbetweengirls.wordpress.com/

  54. Agas Treva says:

    thanks for sharing knowledge may be useful … 🙂

  55. Pam says:

    Thank you for sharing! Now I have more ideas on how to better grow our garlic again next year!

  56. gaycarboys says:

    I did not know that! You learn something new every day. I LOVE garlic!

  57. Dee says:

    What intrigued me about this post is that my grandparents do this, and they currently have a braid-like bunch hanging in their garden because they have an excess of garlic! This year was the first time they grew it, and it was interesting to read about how it’s actually done.

  58. That is SUCH an awesome braid!!! 😀

  59. Summer Zheng says:

    wow thanks for sharing~~~
    i’ve never seen garlics with vines on

  60. kat says:

    I can’t believe I never thought of growing my own garlic! What a great post this was! Thanks for sharing! I’m new to blogging and love that there is a foodie community! If you have time, please check out my blog: http://shecooksandheeats.wordpress.com/. And of course! Any advice would be great 🙂

    1. Dianna says:

      my advise is compost, compost, compost.

  61. sumathi says:

    Its really nice and interesting one. i like gardening.
    i like to plant many flower plants and vegetable plants in my garden
    give me some easy tips which useful for me


    1. Dianna says:

      Just buy some garlic from a local farmer, ask him or her when it is planted in your region of the world, and plant some! Four or five inches in the ground, pointy end up. That’s it!

  62. Sara says:

    Great post. Congratulations on being featured!

  63. Awesome post 🙂 I’ve had garlic growing all over my gardens but haven’t ever tried to harvest any. Woohoo – I’m such a garlic addict! No more imported Chinese garlic with questionable chemical additives.

  64. anelek says:

    i love garlic! Thank you for the information!

  65. Katie says:

    This is much more detailed and informative than any gardening book I’ve bought lately! Thanks for sharing. I really like the garlic braid, too. So cute, a perfect gift.

  66. Really enjoyed reading about your process from planting to eating… Congratulations on what you are doing there, it looks like a fun community. We are about to plant Garlic as part of our studies into Organic farming and I am really looking forward to going through the growing journey and harvesting the bulbs at the end….very exciting!!

  67. admin says:

    I enjoyed reading this post… Great report.

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