{recipe link love} Valentine’s Day 2011

If you’re celebrating the lovely holiday with home-cooked food then I’ve got a comprehensive recipe round-up for you. I have also included some hand-crafted gifts too. My husband and I are celebrating with one-hour massages and lunch while the grandparents babysit Miles…ahhhh.


First up, Mast Baker Gesine’s AMAZING work. These cakes are truly artistry and she gives a comprehensive step-by-step instructions..SO YOU CAN DO IT! Because You’re Mine Cake and Live is Patient Cake.

Good Life Eats has Chocolate Rasberry Vanilla Bean Marshallows.

Cardamom & Cast Iron has two amazing bread projects: Valentine Pita Bread and Heart-Shaped Bread Two Ways.

Shockingly Delicious has Cookie Dough Truffles...Yum.

CRAFT: Twig & Thistle has a free downloaded page of  “naturally sweet” valentine stickers for fruits as gifts…like “You’re the apple of my eye” and “Orange you glad…”

CRAFT: Babble has a great roundup of homemade craft ideas.

CRAFT: Design Sponge has a super cute “To Go Box” floral arrangement how to.,

Umami Girl has a terrific post on Rosemary being an aphrodisiac and a whole list of ideas of how to use it!

Tiramisu as a Valentine’s Desert on Huffington Post.

The Pioneer Woman with Chocolate Valentine Cookies.

Another post by Huffington Post is a slide show of aphrodisiacs.


Joy The Baker with Whole Wheat Chocolate Brown Sugar Cookies.

Annie’s Eats with How to Marble Royal Icing (AMAZING technique post!)

Simply Recipes has a sensual Moroccan Orange Desert.

Smitten Kitchen with a Blood Orange Olive Oil Cake

The Kitchn has a Valentine Wine Choices post.

Food52 has an AMAZING “Classic Steakhouse” recipe roundup if you wanna make your partner a hearty dinner.

3:50pm UPDATE (I couldn’t help myself…some good posts out there in BlogLand)

16 Ways to be Charitable on Valentine’s Day by Philanthropy Writing.

WOW- One Hungry Mama has an AMAZING instructional post about how to dye your own Decorating Sugar on Momtastic!

Red Eggs and Ham by The Sweet Beet.

Food52 has a Valentine’s Day treats recipe roundup.


Serious Eats has Make Your Own “Almond Joys” (sooooo easy!)

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Carolyn says:

    Hi Christina, thank you for the link! I’m new to your site and am thrilled to have discovered it. You all seem like a group of women I’ll want to keep an eye on. 🙂 Will be back soon.

    Have a great weekend,

    1. Christina says:

      Carolyn…… Thank you so much for taking a looksie around the blog! I’m a huge fan of Umami Girl! It’s an honor. -Christina

  2. Celia says:

    Wow. Those things look so good. Those marshmallows look fantastic. I might have to play around with making my own egg-free ones. Gelatin is easy to replace; eggs not quite so much.

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