{Weekend} Reading: NATIONAL EDITION

Where to begin? I’m getting this post up & out early because (patting myself on the back here) I’ve found a bunch of great articles, essays and recipes to share. Enjoy your Saturday & Sunday morning coffee with a side of food-related reading. Enjoy!

Hilarious and scary article in NYTimes “Would a Health Inspector Shut Down Your Kitchen” Written by Henry Alford, had a NYC Health Inspector come to his apartment and grade his West Village kitchen, with the same regulations, and grading system (A +-, B+-, C+-, ect) now used for all restaurants.  If you’ve ever visited (or resided in) Los Angeles, so you are very accustom to this grading system already…I love it and would welcome it everywhere. A must read.

Very interesting food policy issue coming to a head in New York City. Mayor Bloomberg asked the Federal Department of Agriculture (the agency that sets rules for Food Stamps) for permission to deny food stamp participants from using them to buy soda and other sugary drinks.

Another BIG food policy story of the week; The Center for Food Safety reports The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down an Ohio state ban on labels pertaining to the use of artificial hormones in dairy products. Supreme Court case??? Ummm. Marion Nestle ponders the question on The Atlantic.

Marion Nestle’s Food Politics is a great stop on your weekly food-policy reading tour- she covers all the issues. I try not to link to her with every topic, but I easily could. The one post that stands out this week, is her monthly column Q&A for the San Francisco Chronicle. This month’s question: “What does Whole Wheat Labels mean on food packaging?” I wanna know don’t you? Ms. Nestle explains.

Another NYTimes news article (yep, getting a lot of Weekend Reading play this week) reports that Monsanto’s stock price has dropped significantly (40%) within the year and net income down by half. I don’t feel bad, do you?

In international news, that is close to my heart, South Korea is having a napa cabbage shortage. According to the Los Angeles Times, freakishly fall-like weather has contributed to the shortage and the South Korean government is taking steps to get cabbage to the country, like a kimchi bailout program and lowering tariffs for China-imported cabbage. This cabbage is used to make kimchi, which in South Korea, is made in hundreds of different varities and is eaten at every meal. Its a staple. A constant; like our tradition of chicken nuggets or gigantic bottle of soda at every meal. My husband was born in Seoul, South Korea and his mother, who has been state-side for over 20 years makes the best summer and winter kimchi around. Its an important dish with many health benefits (gooooo fermentation!) and it very tasty.

In food-desert- failing-Northeastern-city-news (errily similar story to Troy) New Haven, CT, home to Yale, has a food desert in the immediate-Yale vicinity. The last grocery store, Shaw’s, closed back in March. New plans are in the works for a co-op, think Pioneer Troy Community Food Co-op, because 60 major chain grocery stores declined the invitation to put a store in Shaw’s place. Interesting article on the subject, written by Yale student Jake Conway, on The Atlantic’s website. (Please note there is a comment about TROY in the comment section)

A little change of pace, read about one food blogger’s dilemma of being in the “food writing trap”

Quirky Urbanite has another great blog piece about the ethics of foraging.

Ohhhh in design-a-dream-star-trek-themed-birthday-party-news: check out the kitchn’s link on such an event (soo cute!). The original post comes from justJENN recipes blog.

Mark Bittman briefly weighs in on our national school lunch issue within the context of Brazil’s school food policies and the runoff election there.

Have we (USA) become a Snack Food Nation? (Yes, indeed. As a parent to a food allergic child you realize snacks and snack-drinks are EVERYWHERE)… Wendy Sachs (vents) writes on the topic at The Huffington Post. Great essay.

Design Sponge reports on Brooklyn Grange’s from rooftop farm to table dinner (on the rooftop) with restaurant bobo. (Brooklyn Grange Caponata recipe included). Just the photo of the MASSIVE rooftop garden alone is worth clicking on this link.

In Food Allergy News (you know I always have a link or two). A new study has come out that found children, males and African Americans have the highest rates of food allergies in the United States.

For those parents with food allergic kiddos, Nut-Free Mom has a great essay about the upcoming food-related holiday, Halloween.


This link is dedicated to our friend, Erica, who wanted a pumpkin pie recipe. The Kitchn has one that sounds great. I

Spaghetti Squash with Turkey Meatballs at Shutterbean.

Marisa, at Food In Jars, has a new series “Open Jar” where she will discuss recipes and general uses for the food preservation goodies once you open that jar….this week: Smoothies.

Food52 has a great roundup of Bento Box blogs. This is great for parents & caregivers who need to pack lunches for the kiddos (or themselves!)

Another link to Food52, but this time a recipe for Salmon Kedgeree.

NY Times Magazine asked for readers for their best potluck dishes. Here are the results, a gorgeous article with LOTS of recipes.

Over at Etsy’s blog, amazing savory cupcakes, with brocilli as a centerpiece. You must see the pictures of this cupcake!!

Diner’s Journal at NYTimes has a gluten-free crumble recipe bonanza.

The kitchn has a great recipe for stuffed squash.

Cathy Erway, at Lunch at Sixpoint, has a yummy recipe for squash pizza with honey & rosemary.

101 Cookbooks has an amazing-looking Pumpkin and Feta muffin recipe. OMG!

Last one, Simple Bites has a recipe for dinner rolls baked in a jar. So cute!

One Comment Add yours

  1. Erica says:

    Awesome! Thanks for the recipe (the Sweet potato pie looks really good too…maybe I’ll just try a different pie every week until thanksgiving haha!)

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