{Pantry Staple} Perfect Homemade Sandwich Bread

Its pretty simple: I love baking bread and I love eating bread. I bring bread to almost every food swap and am always experimenting with a new kind. Lately, I have been making so much bread, English muffins, biscuits, etc, that I have not purchased any bread products from the grocery store in quite some…

{DIY Backyard Chickens} Go for it!

So in the first two parts of this DIY series, I’ve shared some of the how-to and what not to do’s of keeping backyard chickens. You may be wondering, though, why bother with backyard hens? Or maybe, like the folks at All Over Albany, you’re thinking that backyard chickens seem like a lot of work. To…

{Horn of Africa} Occupy your World…with a recipe!

A reader of this blog that I happen to be acquainted with shared some responses to Dianna’s post from Monday. “I didn’t know From Scratch Club was a political blog.” I don’t think it is, really, but we are a community of writers who share in a sort of hodge-podge way that represents a bit…

{Know Your Farmer} Quincy Farm: Easton, NY

On Wednesday, Christina and I had the opportunity to visit a relatively new farm in the Capital District farm scene: Quincy Farm. This farm has a particular significance and sentimentality for me. You see, when the property (formerly Battleview Farm, previously owned for over 200 years by the Wright family) went on the market for sale in…

{DIY Backyard Chickens} the coop

Not long ago, I began a little series on keeping a flock of chickens in your backyard. You can read the first installment here. This week I introduce to you: THE COOP I began dreaming about my chicken coop back in 2005. I was living in New Canaan, CT and working in Tarrytown, NY. One day…

{DIY Backyard Chickens} for the love of one good egg

In the spring of 2009 I decided it was high time I got myself a flock of chickens. For years I had contemplated this endeavor, collected flyers from Agway and Cooperative Extension, and had even gone as far as hoarding old building supplies for a coop, some of which are likely still in my parent’s…

Quiche {it’s whats for dinner}

A few weeks ago, I had the wild idea to render some lard. It took me a while to recover from the smell, but I finally felt ready to bite the bullet and use some of it. Quiche is one of our staple meals; it is sufficiently nutritious and appropriate for any time of day….

{SALSA} making good use of fresh summer veggies

Did you know I lived in Mexico for a while? Well I did. It was a phenomenal time, and I wish I could have stayed longer. When I was there I learned a lot about real Mexican cuisine, especially specific to the region where I resided. Foods I learned and now love and crave include pozole (corn…

Lard {Yes, that’s what I said: Lard.}

I should admit that, straightaway, this task was a stretch even for me. In a moment of pure curiosity (lunacy?) and inability to turn down a good deal, or a free deal, I graciously accepted a cooler full of pig fat from a local farmer. Josh from West Wind Acres had a few pigs processed,…

{pizza week} Feast for a Family, Pizza 4 Ways

Summertime seems to find us hosting family, visiting family or meeting family at some intermediate location. Our extended family is large and we are close… we are lucky! Family gatherings generally mean food, and LOTS of it. One of my favorite meals to share, whether at home or otherwise, is pizza. When it comes to…

{garlic scape week take two} Aioli!

Last week I had a few friends over for a feisty, fun filled evening of cheesemaking – stay tuned here at FSC for a recap! Essential to any good party are good snacks and drinks. We were well sustained with Christine’s super sangria, homemade challah and blackberry goat cheese made by Jillian and fancy olive oil….

{garlic scape week} Tzatsiki!

After taking a language-course trip to Greece when I was in high school I developed a mild obsession for Greek cuisine. This has led me on two parallel quests: 1) finding the best local Greek food I can get my hands on and 2) recreating, to the best of my ability, my favorite dishes from…

{Hello} I’m Liz

Hey there readers! This is Liz, from Brown Betty Farm. First of all, a big thanks to Chris for inviting me to share something with you here… especially considering the perpetual ‘construction’ state of my humble little homemade web page and the less-than-frequent posts that occasionally show up on my blog, {semi}veggie sisters. I am utterly…