{Know Your Farmer} tangleroot farm & my kohlrabi salad

We have new farmers this year. They fell into our lap at the last minute and I couldn’t be happier. I’m still getting to know them, but from what I can tell so far we were lucky to find them because their veggies are outstanding. I had hoped to sign up for a CSA this…

{pulling back the curtain} What Liz Really Eats

“She’s standing by the stove – stirring Her cat is in the kitchen – purring It smells so good in here I just wanna close the door and hook the latch Cause she’s makin’ everything – And I mean everything- From Scratch. She takes a little, makes a lot Careful sis, its kinda hot Is…

{summer garden bounty recipe} Eggplant Curry

For the first time ever, my garden is overflowing with eggplant! Sure, it’s also overflowing with weeds and a LOT of green beans that never got picked but despite that I am pretty excited about the eggplant. I’ve gardened at our current home for the last five summers and each year I plant eggplant hopefully….

{backyard-to-kitchen-poultry} Spatchcock Chicken

As you might already know, we raise backyard chickens in order to have fresh eggs and because, quite frankly, I enjoy having chickens in the yard. Its also old news that most of the poultry we consume comes from birds we’ve raised ourselves, including chickens, turkeys and surplus roosters which are quite tasty when made…

{the breadbox diaries} English Muffins

In an effort to make more of our everyday staples from scratch, I’ve been thinking about what I buy on a weekly basis at the grocery store. I went through the basic food groups and tried to identify a few things we seem to always have on the list that I might be able to…

{cheesemaking} My Day with The Cheese Queen

I met the Queen. I mean the Cheese Queen, of course! Several weeks ago I was working on my plans for the upcoming FSC Academy Home Dairy 101 classes I will be teaching around the capital region starting in just a few weeks. As I worked on schedules, recipes, and equipment lists I realized that…

{weekend project} DIY Soda Syrup

As spring gets underway and summer looms closer, popsicles, cool salads and fruity cocktails are on my mind. This weekend is Cinco de Mayo, which also happens to fall on Kentucky Derby day – both cause for celebrations in my family! Because I won’t be enjoying any margaritas or cervezas this year with baby #3…

{Mexican Cooking} molletes

This post could have also easily been titled: {keeping it all down} Weird things nauseous pregnant people eat, but I thought I’d keep this recipe true to its roots in my repertoire of nostalgic dishes from my time living in Mexico in 2003. But yes, in case you were wondering, I am expecting our third…

{backyard-to-kitchen poultry} Rooster Nuggets

*Reader alert: The following story involves some general information on poultry processing (no gory details or photos, though). If you’d rather not hear more about how the meat my family eats came from real live animals, some of whom grew up in our backyard, stop here. If you do eat meat, however, I would encourage…

{NOFA-NY Winter Conference} farming, family style

Recently, I had the privilege of attending the NOFA-NY conference with Erika. From NOFA: “The theme of this year’s conference, The Cooperative Economy, gives us an opportunity to explore the current of cooperation that runs deep in our organization and movement and the hopes that we have for a more sustainable future“. The 3+ day…

{the new year} clean, fresh and growing

Although it was a good year, 2011 went by in a bit of a blur for me. This year, I am hoping for a more manageable pace that will support a healthier, more peaceful year for my family. I don’t usually set goals each new year, or make resolutions, but I came up with a…

{winter projects 2012} English Muffin Bread

Editor’s Note: You are gonna wanna make this bread. Trust me. If you have visited any number of our community tables you will have tried Liz’s English Muffin Bread as its our “go-to” platform for sampling our mustards & butters and hopefully you’ve grabbed our recipe card after taste testing. It is truly an easy…

{LOCAL EVENT} three bags full event & campaign

Hi! Liz here, one of a few of FSC’s aspiring farmers. You might already know this about me, but in addition to our backyard hens, I also raise a small flock of sheep. We keep them down the road from our home at the Foster’s Sheep Farm. They will hold the third annual Shearing Day Open…

{edible gift} Fudge

Fudge is one of those treats that I usually reserve for the holidays. I’m not sure why, because it really is incredibly easy to make and SO delicious. Served alongside traditional holiday cookies, fudge is a welcome treat in my family. Wrapped in a box (check craft stores for a great assortment this time of year) with…

{from scratch holidays} whats in your bread basket?

Thanksgiving in my family is a big deal. Usually anywhere from 35-50 people, mostly related (my mom is one of nine… two generations later and there are a lot of cousins to go around), gathered together in one home. Several turkeys, Pop’s special stuffing, potatoes, veggies, tons of pies, you get the idea. I’d like…